Yves Charuest saxophone alto
Ellwood Epps trompette
[Ж] visual artists
Viviane Archambault
Roxanne Faucher
Kamissa Ma Koita
René Obregon-Ida
Stéphanie Perrault
[Ж] musicians
Étienne Barry [aʞʞordeon]
Vincent Compagna [eleʞtriʞ bass]
Louis Rivest-Préfontaine [eleʞtriʞ bass]
Charles Roy [eleʞtriʞbass]
Julien Daoust [drums]
Charles Lebeau-Henry [drums]
Kevin Tougas [drums]
Eliott Durocher-Bundock [ʞeyboards]
Marion Henrie [ʞeyboards]
Jean-Simon Voghel-Robert [ʞeyboards]
Philippe Hode-Keyser [ʞonduʞtion]
David Martin [eleʞtroniʞs]
Simon Bouchard [eleʞtriʞ guitar, eleʞtroniʞs]
Vincent Lachambre [eleʞtriʞ guitar]
Gabriel Lapierre [eleʞtriʞ guitar, vocals]
Jean-Pierre Larouche [eletʞriʞ guitar]
Emeric Morin [eleʞtriʞ guitar]
Marc-André Provencher [eleʞtriʞ guitar]
Philippe Blanchette [ʞomputer, ʞeyboards]
Elyze Venne-Deshaies [saxophone]
Alexandre Beauregard [voʞals]
Le collectif HodeKestra, fondé en 2005 et dirigé par Philippe Hode-Keyser, s’est attribué comme
mandat original de favoriser une vision élargie de la musique improvisée et ordurière. Ce collectif
hétéroclite, composé de plus de vingt artistes, vous propose une intervention musicale et visuelle;
génératrice de pensées et de sensations nouvelles incitant une écoute active et profonde, permettant
l'éveil des sens dans un univers de timbres, de rythmes, de formes et d'harmonies insolites.
Leur solidarité appartient à cette prévalence du critère performatif dans le savoir. Leur puissance
pragmatique d’ensemble repose sur l’insertion de l’inconscience collective, l'éclosion d’un monde
onirique, l'excentricité de l’imaginaire et l’exploration de nouveaux thèmes d’inspiration. Avidité
insatiable à la découverte de nouvelles syntaxes musicales, au partage de leurs acquis, l'expression
par l'édiction de nouvelles normes voire l’essentiel de leur raison d'être.
The collective HodeKestra, founded in 2005 and directed by Philippe Hode-Keyser, has the original
mandate to promote a broader vision of garbage, improvised, lowest-fi music. This heterogeneous
group, consisting of more than twenty-five artists, offers a musical and visual intervention that is generator
of thoughts and new sensations; encouraging an active and deep listening to awaken the senses whithin
a world of new and unusual forms.
Their solidarity belongs to the prevalence of their performative criteria in knowledge. Their pragmatic
power is set based on the insertion of the collective unconscious, the birth of a dream world, the
eccentricity of the imagination and the exploration of new themes for inspiration. Insatiable greed to
explore new musical syntax, to share their acquired and to express throught the enactment of new
standards; the essence of their raison d'être.
Yves Charuest est actif dans le milieu montréalais du jazz et de la nouvelle musique depuis les années 1980. Il a joué avec de nombreux musiciens canadiens dont Jean Beaudet, Nicolas Caloia, Jean Derome, Guillaume Dostaler, Lisle Ellis, John Heward, Michel Ratté, Sam Shalabi, Peter Valsamis, et sur la scène internationale, notamment avec Peter Kowald, Louis Moholo, William Parker et Mathias Schubert.
On a pu l’entendre en Amérique du Nord et en Europe au sein de divers ensembles : I Like Jazz, Peter Kowald Trio, Duo Charuest-Ratté, Yves Charuest-Mathias Schubert, Trio Michel Ratté, Wreck’s Progress, Murray Street Band, Ratchet Orchestra et Duo Charuest-Caloia. Il s’est également produit en solo au Québec et en Europe et a collaboré à des projets de musique mixte avec les compositeurs Jef Chippewa, Jean-François Denis et Jean Piché.
Saxophonist Yves Charuest has been part of the Montreal jazz and new music scene since the early 1980s, playing with canadian musicians such as Jean Beaudet, Nicolas Caloia, Jean Derome, Guillaume Dostaler, Lisle Ellis, John Heward, Michel Ratté, Sam Shalabi, Peter Valsamis, as well as international musicians such as Peter Kowald, Louis Moholo, William Parker, and Mathias Schubert.
He played in North America and Europe with several groups such as I Like Jazz, Duo Charuest-Ratté, Peter Kowald Trio, Yves Charuest-Mathias Schubert, Trio Michel Ratté, Wreck’s Progress, the Murray Street Band, the Ratchet Orchestra, Duo Charuest-Caloia. He performed solo music in Quebec and Europe, and collaborated with electroacoustic composers Jef Chippewa, Jean-François Denis, and Jean Piché.
Ellwood Epps stays as busy as possible playing concerts of improvised music and jazz, teaching the trumpet, and leading the Studio d'Improvisation de Montréal. He is also a cofounder and artistic director of L'envers, cofounded and codirected the Mardi Spaghetti series from 2008 to 2012, and is live music coordinator for CHOQ.FM'S 'Spontanées' program. He has performed with Steve Lacy, William Parker, Lori Freedman, and Henry Grimes, and has played on nearly 50 recordings. He has just released recordings by Land of Marigold, Pink Saliva, Mecha Fixes Clocks and the Unrepeatable Quartet featuring Jack Wright.